Monday, 16 April 2012

About me- Laura Tallentire Make up artist

Well...I'm from the north east England, born June 1981!
I am a very creative person with an innovative style and have a passion towards most things in life.

My skills are Art, Singing/Song Writing, Makeup and i like my own Fashion..,
I have a good sense of humour.. Well At least I think I do and my family and friends do so that's all that matters!
I have great family, I'm very close to them!
I'm very down to earth but I can adjust to other people's personalitys if I have too.... but to be honest I'd rather speak the truth and not live a lie and then life runs smoothly.. Well more smoothly then if your a back stabber who tells a load of lies to pretend your something your not!
Im always told 'I'm weird' but im just creative!! I hate when people say this but I now actually think people are obviously observing my weirdness so it's got their attention so its ok to be different to others!....  So I'll continue been weird!
 I have loads of things that's I hate and can't stand but I think Ive got OCD which causes this! Ha! 
Like I hate warm seats after people have got up and left and I go to sit down but it's some one else's warmth! Yack!
For my blog I'm going to write every thing I think and put pictures on of things I see and make/draw, so I hope my blogs interesting! So here's away......... Laura xx

I done a video on HOW NOT TO WEAR MAKEUP.. this is a joke but with some TRUTH!!!
Take a look

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